Town of Calumet Zoning Ordinance 20250312: The Town of Calumet Zoning Ordinance was amended on March 12, 2025. Please see notice for the amended changes. The full Ordinance can be found here:Town of Calumet Zoning Ordinance 20250312 TOWN OF CALUMET FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE   Ordinance Amendment #20250312 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on March 12, 2025, the Town of Calumet, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, adopted various amendments to the Town of Calumet Zoning Ordinance. The amendments consist of the following: *Update Section 3.7.4M Personal Storage Facility *Update sections 3.7.4R3.b & 3.7.4R.b(9) Change “Habitable Area” to “Habitable Room” *Update the entire section of 3.8.6 General Provisions – Accessory Buildings and add Sections C and D *Update the requirements in Section 3.8.9.D General Provisions, Miscellaneous Uses for use of a Portable Storage container, adding Letter D *Adding Section 3.8.10 Buffering, to the Town of Calumet Ordinance and the Table of Contents. Replace the word ‘Screen” with buffer and “screening” with “buffering” in section 3.7.4C *Update Section 3.14.12 Road Access Permit, regarding driveway and culvert permits and installations, amending Letter A through F and adding sections G through N. *Amend Section 3.16.2A Zoning Permit *Update Section 3.18.3 to clarify the required sequence of events starting with the application to scheduling a hearing and amending the notification requirement of property owners *Grammar, punctuation, numbering, and other formatting changes PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the amended ordinances contain penalties and forfeitures for violation of the various provisions. Interested parties may view a copy of the ordinance at or by contacting Andrea Rieder, Town Clerk, at 920-795-4040 or [email protected]. Dated this 27th day of March 2025. Andrea Rieder, Town Clerk


Announcing the Winner of the TOC Photo Contest

The 1st Annual Town of Calumet Photo Contest is in the books! We had 13 photos entered into the contest this year. A big congratulations goes out to Mr. Leroy Lefeber, whose photo was chosen by our judges as the winner. Pictured above is Leroy with his prize, a Town of Calumet cribbage board designed, created & donated by Jake Wishau of Racine.  Leroy’s winning photo was of the Columbia Park tower from the water. You will see his photo on our website very soon. Congrats again, Leroy, we hope you enjoy your cribbage board. 

We will have the Photo Contest again next year, we hope that we will have more entries & that we can get a few more people to volunteer their time as a judge. Special thank you to Beth Miller and Mindy Tasch, who volunteered their time as our judges.


Angie Mattes

Town of Calumet Supervisor