You may vote at the Town Hall located at W2104 County Rd HH, Malone, WI
GAB-121 Absentee Ballot Request
- English Absentee Ballot Request:
- Spanish Absentee Ballot Request:
- Hmong Absentee Ballot Request:
GAB-131 Voter Registration Application
- English Voter Registration Form:
- Spanish Voter Registration Form:
- Hmong Voter Registration Form:
Dog License
Contact any town board member here!
The recycle center is open every Saturday from 8 AM - 4 PM.
Remember to hand in your post cards with your address and vehicle info and in exchange you will receive your sticker. If you have not received a post card, please contact the clerk. Thank you for your cooperation.
Monthly Town Board Meetings are scheduled the first Wednesday of the month unless noted on the calendar. Plan Commission meetings are held the third Thursday of the month. Applications are due 20 days before the meeting date.
See Forms and Permits for the applications and the associated fees here.
$3.00 For Neutered Male or Spayed Female
$8.00 For Male or Female
Provide a copy of updated rabies vaccination certificate with telephone number of owner.
1. Payment-Check Payable to Town of Calumet (NO CASH).
2. Payment by mail should include a self addressed stamped envelope for return of the rabies vaccination certificate, your license and tag.
*As per State Statues 174.05 NO dog license will be issued unless an updated rabies vaccination certificate is presented to the treasurer upon payment of said dog license (a copy of the original certificate is acceptable). Failure to license your dog before the April 1st deadline will result in an additional $5.00 late fee per license.